What is Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling?

Published on: 2019/10/03


Hard “knots” within a muscle can be painful. Our physical therapists use Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling as a treatment option.

Those hard muscle knots are known as “trigger points.” They can cause pain over a large area, making it difficult for an individual to perform everyday tasks.

dry needling procedure done on an arm

Together, painful muscles and trigger points are sometimes called myofascial pain syndrome.

The word “myofascial” combines “myo” (which means muscle) and “fascia” (which refers to the tissue that connects muscle.)

During the Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling process, very thin needles are pushed through the skin and electrical stimulation is used to target painful muscles. The procedure also is known as “trigger point dry needling.” (Read about Comprehensive Rehab patients’ experience with dry needling.)

The needles don’t inject fluid into the body, which is the reason the term “dry” is used.

According to research published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, needling can release the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function.

The research indicated when the needle is inserted, a “twitch” often occurs, which can indicate the treatment will be helpful.

Needles may be placed deeply or shallowly, for short or long periods of time, depending upon what type of pain is being treated.

Range of motion that may be limited by muscle tightness or scar tissue may benefit from dry needling.

The process has been used in the United States since the early 1980s.

For more information about Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling, contact the professionals at Comprehensive Rehab. Comprehensive Rehab has Iowa locations in Clinton and Maquoketa