• Speech Therapy Programs - Food School

    Speech Therapy Programs


Speech Therapy Programs at Comprehensive Rehab

Comprehensive Rehab offers many different Speech Therapy programs.

S.O.S. Approach to Feeding

Picky Eater or Problem Feeder on Your Hands? We can help.

feedingThe Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding, also known as Food School, is a trans-disciplinary program designed for assessing and treating children with feeding difficulties. This program allows for children to start with tolerating food in their presence by playful interaction, alleviating the stress some children exhibit at mealtimes. In time, the child moves to touching, kissing and tasting foods.

This therapeutic treatment is great for children who have been described as “picky eaters” or “problem feeders”, children eating fewer than 30 different foods, those who aren’t gaining weight appropriately and those who are coughing and gagging during meal time. Ultimately, this program is designed to get children excited about trying new foods and making meal time enjoyable for all of you as a family.

If you have concerns about your child’s feeding, we invite you to take this questionnaire https://questionnaire.feedingmatters.org/questionnaire. Please contact us for more information on the Food School program or to schedule an appointment with a trained therapist.


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